Treating a Hissing Sound in My Head
A constant hissing sound in your head is not usually a sign of a serious medical issue, but it can be annoying. It is called tinnitus, pronounced “tih-NITE-us.” This noise occurs inside the head, and it can range from a soft whistling to a shrill roar. It can be intermittent, steady, or pulsating. Fortunately, there are several treatments for tinnitus.
Causes of Tinnitus

If you have a hissing sound in your head, there are some simple things you can do to eliminate it. First, you should cover your ears when you are in a noisy environment. If possible, avoid taking any medication that can cause the sound. Additionally, you should schedule regular hearing tests to rule out middle ear and inner ear problems. However, you should also take the time to recognize the hissing sound as a nuisance rather than a medical emergency.
Tinnitus is a constant noise in the head, but some cases are subjective. It is difficult to determine the cause of tinnitus, as it comes and goes. Most people notice it at nighttime or in quieter settings. Some individuals have sensitive hearing and find TVs and radios painful. If the noise continues, it may be a sign of another disease or a mental condition.
Some causes of tinnitus are related to abnormalities in the blood vessels that can alter blood flow. This can include tumors and head injuries, which can affect the blood flow to the brain. Other causes of tinnitus include abnormalities of the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. The TMJ is located in the head and is close to the auditory system.
Other causes of tinnitus include infection in the middle ear, excessive ear wax, or foreign bodies. In rare cases, a person might hear the noise even if they are not in a noisy environment. In many cases, a medical diagnosis is necessary to rule out any serious physical conditions. The good news is that there are steps you can take to relieve the noise. You should not ignore the noise until it is severe enough to impact your daily life.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is another effective treatment for tinnitus. Cognitive behavioral therapy uses techniques such as relaxation and cognitive restructuring to change how people react to noise. It is often short-term, lasting from two to six months, but it can make tinnitus less bothersome and improve your quality of life. You should seek professional help if you experience tinnitus, as well as other related health problems.
If your symptoms persist despite taking medication, you should seek medical help. An otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose, and throat doctor, can help you find the cause of your hissing sound. In severe cases, a person with a hissing sound in his head may have a condition known as Meniere's disease or a related disorder. A doctor will examine your head, neck, and ears to rule out other problems that might be causing the problem.
Another possible cause of the hissing sound in my head is excessive inflammation. It is an important factor in cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Harvard Medical School offers some tips to reduce inflammation to fight the disease. Remember, though, that chronic tinnitus can be unpredictable and sometimes worsen without medical treatment. Generally, tinnitus does not require medical attention, but in 10% of cases, the symptoms may require medical treatment.
Treatment options

There are many options for treatment for a hissing sound in your head. Some people have had success with behavioral therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help people accept the noise in their heads and improve their quality of life. It may involve exercises or writing in a diary. Often, this type of therapy is short-term and lasts for about two to six months. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to help people cope with the hissing sound in their head and significantly reduce the annoyance.
Tinnitus is often a symptom of a serious health problem. Although it isn't always an indication of a serious underlying problem, a loud hissing sound in the head can lead to depression, fatigue, and even emotional anguish. If the noise becomes too severe, it may become a sign of a more serious medical problem. Treatment options for a hissing sound in my head vary depending on the cause.
If the noise is coming from only one ear, you may need to visit your doctor to have it diagnosed. Ear infections, earwax buildup, and acoustic neuroma are all potential causes of tinnitus. Your GP will check your ears for earwax buildup and other possible causes. If these don't work, your doctor may refer you to a tinnitus specialist.
While a hissing sound in your head is rarely a sign of a serious problem, it is still annoying. It is a common symptom of tinnitus, which is a condition of the hearing system. It can be intermittent, pulsating, or a constant ringing. It is important to seek out the appropriate treatment options for tinnitus as soon as possible.
Signs of Tinnitus
If you're hearing a hissing sound in your head, you may be suffering from tinnitus. There are two types of tinnitus, subjective and objective. Subjective tinnitus is what you hear, while objective tinnitus is what other people hear. Objective tinnitus can be caused by certain cardiovascular or musculoskeletal movements. While it's rare, objective tinnitus is a medical emergency.
The sound in your head may be intermittent or constant. It may be loud, soft, high-pitched, or any combination of the above. This constant noise may cause you to lose sleep, feel depressed, or have trouble concentrating. But it's important to note that these sounds are typically not caused by serious health conditions, so you should seek medical treatment. In addition to being an annoyance, this ringing or buzzing sound can be caused by medications you're taking.
Besides symptoms of tinnitus, your doctor will examine your ears and nerves around your face to determine the exact cause of the sound. If the sound is constant, it's probably caused by a temporary problem inside your ears. If you're experiencing the hissing sound in only one ear, you should schedule an appointment with a hearing specialist to determine the exact cause. Often, tinnitus occurs in both ears.
Other possible causes of tinnitus include blood vessel abnormalities, excessive earwax, or an underlying medical condition. Your doctor may want to change any medications you're taking to improve your hearing. Cognitive behavioral therapy may also be beneficial to treat tinnitus. In some cases, it can even be used to help you manage your depression or stress.
The symptoms of tinnitus are most noticeable at night when you're trying to fall asleep. A good way to mask the noise is to listen to your favorite music or the radio. A radio played with a timer will help you fall asleep and prevent sleepless nights. Other people connect their radio to specially designed pillows that have speakers inside. To learn more about this condition, you can read the Insomnia leaflet.
Once you've found the source of the problem, the symptoms of tinnitus will usually go away. However, if the noise persists for more than a couple of days, it's best to see a doctor for a comprehensive evaluation and possible treatment. If the problem isn't resolved, your audiologist will help you develop a treatment plan that will help you cope with the symptoms and manage the condition.
If you're hearing a hissing sound in your head, you may be experiencing tinnitus. Often, the noise is transient, but if it continues for a long time, it may be chronic. It can be in one or both ears and interfere with your ability to concentrate. Chronic tinnitus may also mask your hearing and interfere with your ability to hear other sounds.
- Mayo Clinic: Tinnitus –
- American Tinnitus Association: Causes –
- National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders: Tinnitus –
- Harvard Health Publishing: Inflammation: A unifying theory of disease –